Google's Public DNS can be configured on any computer and operating system. In order to add Google DNS you will have to gain administrative (system administration full privileges) access to your computer, this is often the 'administrator' mode on Windows operating systems, and root on Unix and Linux like systems. This is what you need:
FASTEST DNS | Cloudfare faster than google dns? Let's find Feb 21, 2019 Google Public DNS Result for with DNSSEC validation: { "Status": 0, "TC": false, "RD": true, "RA": true, "AD": false, "CD": false, "Question": [ { "name": " Problems using Google's DNS servers today : networking
Google's Public DNS can be configured on any computer and operating system. In order to add Google DNS you will have to gain administrative (system administration full privileges) access to your computer, this is often the 'administrator' mode on Windows operating systems, and root on Unix and Linux like systems. This is what you need:
Google Public DNS - Wikipedia Google Public DNS is a Domain Name System service offered to Internet users worldwide by Google. It functions as a recursive name server. Google Public DNS was announced on 3 December 2009, in an effort described as "making the web faster and more secure". As of 2018, it is the largest public DNS service in the world, handling over a trillion queries per day. Google Public DNS is not related to Google … About DNS - Google Domains Help
Public DNS | Google Developers
Google DNS resolves the hostnames faster than many DNS servers that belong to ISPs. Google crawls the Internet regularly and a part of the process is to resolve and cache all DNS information. Due to this, it can support high-volume searches and also a big portion of their answers are coming from their cache. API Reference | Cloud DNS Documentation | Google Cloud Apr 08, 2020 Cloudflare created the fastest public DNS beating Google Jul 24, 2020 How to Use Google DNS and OpenDNS on Android - Make Tech