Jan 12, 2012 · In May 2018, the OpenWrt forum suffered a total data loss. This archive is an effort to restore and make available as much content as possible. Content may be missing or not representing the latest edited version.

OpenStack Docs: Deploying OpenWRT as VNF Dec 19, 2019 How can I segment my home network when I have openwrt Personally I have a dd-wrt router VLAN with one port to a unmanaged switch for my servers, an openWRT router in AP mode for a guest network, and a 3rd port dedicated to my personal network that is also bridged with the WiFi on the main dd-wrt router. And here's /etc/config/network: Wireless Home Network # /etc/config/wireless configuration for device 12:34:56:78:89:ab config wifi-device wl0 option type broadcom option channel 5 config wifi-iface option device wl0 option network lan option mode ap option ssid YourNetworkName option encryption psk2 option key UserNetworkPassword config wifi-iface option device wl0 option network lan option mode Latest Network and Wireless Configuration topics - OpenWrt

Openwrt on a Pc. : 7 Steps - Instructables Adding the Web Interface. Appendices: Howto get OpenWrt up and running with a web interface … B A T M A N-ADV HOME MESH SETUP NETWORKING OPENWRT - …

networking - OpenWRT: basic network configuration - Super User

networking - OpenWRT always shows only one network I’m running OpenWRT in VMWare Workstation 12 Player on Windows 10 64bit. When I run ifconfig in my OpenWRT, I always get only one network interface, lo.Never more: Although there are several interfaces in /etc/config/network specified:. Also, I have set up the second network adapter in my VMWare Workstation settings for this OpenWRT instance: OpenStack Docs: Deploying OpenWRT as VNF Dec 19, 2019 How can I segment my home network when I have openwrt Personally I have a dd-wrt router VLAN with one port to a unmanaged switch for my servers, an openWRT router in AP mode for a guest network, and a 3rd port dedicated to my personal network that is also bridged with the WiFi on the main dd-wrt router. And here's /etc/config/network: Wireless Home Network